Helping Your Loved One with a Disability

Receiving a diagnosis of a chronic illness is without a doubt life-changing. Unfortunately, those who receive such news are by no means alone. In fact, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 60 percent of adults in the U.S. battle a chronic illness, with 40 percent battling two or more. This can often cause the individual difficulty with performing the same or similar work tasks as he or she once could. For this reason, many individuals will file for social security disability (SSD).

Learning to cope with your new normal can certainly take some time. When we have a loved one in this position we want to do whatever we can to help support him or her. But how can you best do that? Here are a few ways in which you can help your loved one living with a disability. 

1. Don’t Forget to Listen

When you are searching for ways in which you can support your loved one with a disability, one of the most important things that you can do is to listen. We often want to give much of our time and ourselves to help someone living with a chronic illness, but in doing so, we often fail to listen. By listening we can gauge what the other person wants and needs and can demonstrate to them that their feelings are important. By actively listening to your loved one you can better determine what you can do to be of assistance to them. 

2. Learn More About It

It’s hard to help with what you don’t understand. For that reason, it’s always best to learn more about the chronic illness with which your loved one has been diagnosed. By learning more about it, you can understand the areas in which this individual could best use your help. Educating yourself also allows you to know what to look for in terms of disease progression and can prepare you for what to expect with any and every new phase of the disease. As they say, the best offense is a good defense. 

3. If You Don’t Know, Ask

While we want to do whatever we can to help, no matter how much we read about a chronic illness, we are unable to fully understand it without having lived with it. Plus, each person is different and therefore his or her needs are going to vary as well. Sometimes it’s simply in your best interest – and theirs – to ask. Whether you don’t know how you can make yourself useful or you don’t know how you can provide the greatest support, ask them. By asking you can ensure that you are helping them in the way in which they want to be helped. 

The Las Vegas SSD Attorneys at Roeschke Law, LLC Can Help

If you or a loved one is struggling with a disability that prevents the ability to work, you may not know how to proceed. Fortunately, the attorneys at Roeschke Law, LLC can help. We understand the impact that a disability can have on your physical, emotional, and financial health. That’s why it’s our mission to help you. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, contact us today!